Friday, July 17, 2009

How much longer?

Today is Friday. Another few days has gone by. I'm still crying and worrying myself into an ulcer. My doctor is such a good man. He said he will see my husband any time if my husband will allow it. Again, I asked and he said no.

Finally he has admitted to pain. It must be really bad because he never takes even an asprin for a headache. Tuesday, he took some Advil. I am the one that usually takes Advil for the arthritis pain that I have. My doctor has given me a perscription for the main ingredient in Advil, which is Naproxen. The Advil was "outdated", you know, don't use after such and such a date. It hit me then that he could take the naproxen. One pill instead of two. But he had to eat something while taking the pill. He wanted peanut butter cookies. (Which I made from scratch.) He used to like them so that's why I made them. He ate one with a glass of milk and then took the pill. I guess it helped. Everytime I ask about the pain, he yells that he's OKAY.

We looked at another apartment, one that would be ideal for us but he thought it too small. Yes, maybe it was a little small but it is also considered big enough for me after he is gone. I have to think about me too.

I went to see the doctor about my health issues. Before my cholesterol was 273 and my blood pressure was sky high, so bad I take TWO blood pressure meds. My hip is really bothering me and now the pain is traveling down to my knee. Doctor said I should be thinking of the hip replacement surgery because it will ease the pain and I'm such a wimp that all I'm thinking about is the pain from the surgery and the physical therapy afterward. He's right though. I need to have this done so that I'll be able to get around for myself. No having anyone else do my laundry or anything else.

It's time for me to sign off. I really need to vent more, but I need to get off this blog. The click clack of my typing is driving him "NUTS".

Until another time, good-bye.

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